The last time I tried to take some college classes, I lasted thru 1 quarter. I think at the time I was more into hanging out with friends, playing basketball, and enjoying my time not in school. After working at a hotel and seeing how it was impossible to move up without a degree, I decided to go to a technical school to get my medical assistant certification. I tooke the shorter way to a better job, and after a few months of school..I had my job.
I was happy with my CMA until recently when my son was born. Isaac is the cutest little baby in the world, of course that's what every parent thinks about their baby, but he also requires alot things. I'm the "bread winner" as the saying goes and as of right now the bread is not enough for my family.
So I have decided to get back to college and even though it will be a hard long journey I will finish this time because Isaac depends on me.
btw...this is a test.